Hat tip to my cousin Tamara who helped me ID a few of these. When I moved into the house, the previous owners had left me a labeled map of most of the plants in the backyard ... but not the side or the front. So it's been a long overdue (and time-intensive) project for me to track down and map out everything in the yard. Check! Off the list.
- A - Arborvitae
- AL - Alyssum
- As - Astilbe - Vision in White
- B - Beets
- BE - Black-Eyed Susans
- BG - Begonia
- BH - Bleeding Heart
- BL - Basil
- Br - Broccoli
- BS - Brussels Sprouts
- BSA - Black Scallop Ajuga
- BT - Baby Tut Grass
- BW - Bridalwreath (officially: Vanhoutte Spirea)
- C - Clematis
- CB - Coral Bells (Berry Smoothie)
- CBLM - Coral Bells - Lime Marmalade
- CDP - Columbine - Dark Purple
- Cl - Cilantro
- Cm - Columbine - mixed (seeds)
- CO - Coleus
- CR - Croton (pot)
- CS - Cushion Spurge (technically, it's a kind of grass! who knew!)
- CT - Candytuft (seeds)
- CTL - Catalpa Tree
- D - Dianthus (seeds)
- DA - Daffodils
- DF - Diamond Frost
- DL - Day Lily
- DR - Dracaena Spike
- FCA - Flowering Crabapple
- H - Hosta
- Hy - Hydrangea Tree
- HyB - Hydrangea Bush
- I - Iris
- K - Kale
- L - Lilac Tree
- La - Lavender
- LAN - Lantana
- LC - Lemon Cucumber
- LM - Ladies Mantle
- Lp - Lupine (seeds)
- LV - Lemon Verbena
- M - Maple
- MG - Marigolds
- MGC - Marigold - African Crackerjack
- MGS - Marigold - Snowdrift (seeds)
- ML - Mixed Lettuces
- MT - Mint
- Mu - Mums (Chrysanthemums)
- N - Nasturtium
- O - Oregano
- P - Polygonatum
- PP - Peppers
- Py - Peony
- R - Raspberry
- RC - Red Comb Celosia
- Ry - Rosemary
- S - Sedum
- SA - Sage
- SC - Swiss Chard
- SD - Shasta Daisy (seeds)
- SM - Snow on the Mountain (Aegopodum)
- SPV - Sweet Potato Vine - Marguerite
- ST - Silver Dust
- SVB - Salvia - Victoria Blue
- SVP - Salvia - Vista Purple
- T - Tomatoes
- Th - Thyme
- Tp - Tulips
- Y - Yarrow
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