Thursday, July 15, 2010

the TV stand with no TV

The third big project I tackled last weekend (other than covering up the polka dots and painting the yellow room) was assembling a bookshelf/entertainment center for the basement, with the help of a strong and patient friend.

Here's the space I wanted to fill:

I found a piece at IKEA that fills about two-thirds of the space, and I'll fill in the remainder of the wall nook with another smaller bookshelf. I also chose this piece because it's designed for a TV - and although I don't have one yet, I imagine I'll acquire one eventually. But for now, it will at least get my books off the floor of the basement!

The big assembly:


It was a monster, that's for sure.

Yes. It's a lot of books. Trust me, I've moved them all multiple times. And this isn't even all of them.

But I had to save room for the imaginary TV, you know.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

the yellow room

Calling rooms by their colors always reminds me of my grandma. I don't actually know if she does this, but I have it in my mind that she does.

Regardless, I think I'll probably end up referring to the guest bedrooms by their colors. It's just too cumbersome to say "mom and dad's room" and "the other guest bedroom," not to mention explaining which one is which. Much easier to say "the yellow room" and "the blue room." Right? Right.

What I won't be saying is "the lime green room." Because that one, my friends, is no more. Along with getting rid of the polka dots last weekend, I tackled mom and dad's room. {Background: my parents live on the West Coast but my younger brother and sister both go to school here - so, they plan to visit us often, which means I let them pick out a bedroom of their own to decorate and keep their stuff in.}

Mom sent the comforter a few weeks ago, and I picked up the sheets on sale at Target. The rug used to be in their bedroom back home, but I inherited it a few years ago when I officially moved to Minnesota. I picked the wall color based on the gold in the rug and the caramel color of the wood floor:




A gallon of Behr Ultra (primer + paint in one) was just enough for two coats. And it only took about five hours from start to finish! Definitely my quickest painting project to date.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

goodbye, polka dots!

You were adorable for a nursery. But you had to go. The tiny guest bedroom just couldn't handle your overwhelming power.

Plus, you distracted everyone's attention from the farm door, which I think is the best part about the room. So, goodbye polka dots.

I'm not sure yet what will take your place. But it will be all one color, that I can assure you.

Anyone want to weigh in on these swatches? Should I go dark or light?

the kitchen in action

Remember when the kitchen looked like this?

A perfectly nice shade of green that just didn't go with the rest of the house, sadly. But then I decided to paint it red, and now I would almost forget it was ever another color if I didn't have the photos to remind me.

For those of you who watched the transformation unfold here on the blog last April, here are some updated photos from a family gathering last weekend:

all clean and ready to party

the second phase of our progressive dinner (phase one was at the Millers' house down the street)

Aunt Debbie's berry cobbler, including raspberries from the garden

cousins :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

freedom from weeds

It was a thoroughly American Fourth of July around here, let me tell you.

Aside from the fact that I forgot to buy a flag (picture me devastated when I realized this at 3 pm).

I mean, I'm sure you're dying to hear about the sunnies I caught at the lake...

Or the firecracker shaped like a tank that we set off by the pool at my aunt and uncle's...

Or the impressive fireworks show at the park down the street.

But I know the truth. What you're really all here to read about is how I rescued my patio from the tyranny of the weeds on the day after Independence Day.

Good. Because I have pictures.

~ before ~

~ middle ~

~ after! ~

All clean and purty and ready for the family BBQ on Monday night... except that we ended up eating indoors anyway because of the rain. Oh well. Now, at least, I can say I'm winning the battle somewhere in the yard.

PS: I don't actually believe any of you care as much as I do about my patio's current lack of weeds.

You might, however, care if you come over for dinner and I make you eat out on the patio with me because I think it's a) fun, b) going to make for a good picture or c) because I haven't turned on the a/c inside. All of which are possible.

Because then you might care to not be standing up to your knees in weeds. Don't worry. I've got you covered.
