Tuesday, June 1, 2010

estate sales and wicker chairs

So, let's be honest, moving the rest of my stuff took a few days. And then I ran off to Georgia for a wedding over the long weekend. Twelve days after the magic moving van did its thing, I have hardly unpacked anything except what I needed for my trip... the house is a crazy maze of boxes, laundry baskets and bags (does anyone else pack books and other heavy things in tote bags and backpacks? raise your hands! my favorite trick.) Case in point:

Yeah, that's supposed to be the way into the living room. Don't come over to visit yet.

But, there is good news. During moving weekend, despite the rain and my sore arms, I was lucky enough to acquire a few key pieces of furniture that are perfect for the house. (Me = happy dance).

First, I found an estate sale a few blocks from my house, and got these fun benches and planting box for the backyard:

Not exactly free... but exactly what I wanted!

Then, later that day, I inherited these amazing bamboo & wicker chairs from my friend Lindsay who is headed to Florida for grad school. Although I'm sad to see her go (really, I am - she's a great friend), I am honored and excited to have these chairs on my front porch. Especially because A) she got them for free, and spray-painted the seats herself (they used to be dark green), and B) they look great around the random kitchen table that I got from a neighbor three years ago, and couldn't fit anywhere in the house except the front porch.

So, now they can be happy all together (and bask in their fabulous free-ness, and know that only adds to my affection for them):

Oh yes. I am pleased. Come see me soon (but not too soon) and enjoy all the fun new places I have for you to sit!

- LG

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