Wednesday, March 28, 2012


It might be cold and gray outside, but spring is officially here!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gardening in March?

Amazing weather this weekend! Last year, the tulips didn't start peeking through the soil until the week of April 10th. Craziness. Anyway, you all know we had an unseasonably warm winter here, so I guess gardening in March is par for the course. And my sister brought me a beautiful hammock from Honduras last month, so I just had to try setting up the hammock stand I got for free on Freecycle a year or so back.

Early afternoon:


Late afternoon:

The whiskey barrel planter reminds me of my childhood home in San Antonio... mom had them on the back porch, and I learned to walk while holding onto the sides. I saw them everywhere in Austin last week, and just couldn't resist when I saw one for sale this weekend.

Now everything is getting doused by a nice thunderstorm (which also alerted me to some leaky windows on the porch...) so I'm hoping it all grows by leaps and bounds while I'm visiting this dear friend in NYC!

Enjoy spring, lovelies --

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