Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What's that white stuff?

Hey y'all! We finally got some snow!

In sidebar news, I now have three trips to Texas planned this year (learned about the latest one last night... yay for more weddings!) I haven't been back that many times in a year, ever. And ironically it's happening a year when the weather is acting much the same between the great white north and the hill country homeland...

Saturday, February 25, 2012


You've met Danica before, here on the blog. Usually in the context of crafts and projects, at which she is a creative genius. She is a full-time photographer, which I admire (and envy, just a little bit). I love her style, her eye for visual storytelling, and her kind soul. We're bartering skills from our day jobs to help each other out, so she came over last week to snap a few shots of me around the house (I needed a new headshot for something coming up this spring). But I especially adore this one from the kitchen:

More of her lovely work here, on her blog.

Thanks, Danica :)

*GPOYS = gratuitous picture of you Saturday (GPOYW = gratuitous picture of you Wednesday, a popular Tumblr phenomenon that I do not normally participate in, being that this is Blogger... ;) )

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Watercolors on a Saturday Crafternoon

Spent last Saturday playing with watercolor paints and colored pencils with college girlfriends in the basement while watching Downton Abbey.

Felt like a little kid all day, until we had to do the dishes. Oh, dishes... You are not my favorite thing about being a grown-up.